
The quality framework covers the items

  • Course Design
    Course design is done following a kind of “red threat”: This starts with the need definition of the course, followed by the detailed development of the course materials.
    It should be clear that a precise statement of the training outcomes (best done in competences covering the learned knowledge, the qcquired skilles, and the personal development or available attitude).
    The relationship between training outcomes, the training activities and the foreseen assessments should be cleared from the beginning. The blended learning concept requires a well-defined structure for face-to-faceand distance learning components.
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  • Course Delivery
    Course delivery focuses mainly on the distance learning – even if the face to face training alsi is an issue.
    The focus is set on the training platform 8that must fulfil certain criteria) and the implementation of the training content (with a specific view to the use of multiple devices in the training).
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  • Suport
    The support of trainees is essential for a successful training. This must cover the training aspects, the resources and all technical aspects that are relevant for the trainees.


The Benchmarks below are from EADTU Excellence and the use of E-xcellence quality associates label in this context has been done with the agreement and consent of the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities). In case of any adaption of the benchmarks suiting the context is in comments below the original benchmark. The original framework is available from https://e-xcellence.eadtu.eu/