
Denna del erbjuder verktyg för att utforma moderna blended learning kurser med kontinuerlig yrkesutbildning (C-VET) och med en variation av mobila enheter. Detta verktyg är baserat på ramverket eXcellence som utvecklats av European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) och har anpassats och modifierats för att passa efter behoven i C-VET.

Här kan du göra en självutvärdering av din kursdesign. Svara på frågorna enligt din uppskattning. Du får omedelbar feedback och – om möjligt – några tips och kommentarer.

Course Design Självutvärdering

Statement strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree not applicable
The course includes clear statements of training outcomes (in terms of competences).
The course uses training outcomes that determine the means used to deliver course content
In the course design, development and evaluation experts in training aspects as well as in technical aspects are involved.
Open Educational Resources (OER) and other third-party materials were selected with regard to the learning outcomes, were tailored if necessary to fit to the training context and integrated with other learning materials.
The E-learning materials have sufficient interactivity (trainee-to-content or trainee-to-trainee) to encourage active engagement and enable learners to test their knowledge, understanding and skills.
Independent training materials to enable trainees with regular feedback through self-assessment activities or tests is provided.
The course conforms to explicit guidelines (concerning layout and presentation) and is as consistent as possible to the company / enterprise / firm.
The course provides both formative and summative assessment (if assessments are foreseen).
Course materials, including the intended training outcomes, were regularly reviewed, updated and improved using feedback from stakeholders (mainly trainees, employer or customer of the training).

Disclaimer:The use of E-xcellence quality associates label in this context has been done with the agreement and consent of the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities).
In case of any adaption of the benchmarks suiting the context is in comments below the original benchmark The original framework is available from https://e-xcellence.eadtu.eu/