Evaluate a finished course must be done from both sides: from the trainer’s view as well as from the trainee’s view.
Evaluation of courses
Here is a checklist for the technical evaluation of a course using the TIBL course concept. The mentioned items can be used for the onsite training as well as for the distance training phase.
The following is a compilation of various technical considerations to be made in connection with a course listed.
1. Course Information
Well prepared information for the learner is crucial. This information should be done before the course starts (and confirmed latest at the first face-to-face session).
- Visual presentation of the course (overview, time needed, specific course dates, resources)
- Learning outcomes are available (in terms of competences as usual in Europe)
- A stringent and comprehensive description of grading (course evaluation and/or recognition) is available
- The used assessment methods isexplained explicit and comprehensive (if necessary, with examples)
- Comprehensive information about the course platform is available for trainees.
- Instructions to trainees for late work are available.
- Communication instructions, contact information and support information are given to the trainees.
- Other relevant guidelines are available and published and easy-to-access
2. Display of Content
- Copyright violation is checked and avoided
Recommendation: the use of CC sources (Creative Commons) ensures that no violation of copyright occurs.
Hint: specifically created content, especially related to the training aims is also recommended. - OERs are adapted (and – if necessary – translated) in an appropriate way
- Commonly used structures are implemented (heading, formatting, …) and used stringently
- The naming of modules/chapters is clear and consistent.
This enables the trainee to keep the overview of the course.
Recommendation: For the distance training part a presentation of the completion of chapters or activities should be foreseen. - Larger units (chapters, modules) start with an overview/introduction.
This enables the trainee to keep an overview, to estimate the work load, and to start the chapter or module well prepared for the upcoming assignments and activities. - All external content is included in the course or may be accessed easily through the course.
This addresses external (web-based) tools, virtual labs, or other foreseen activities. - Lessons include at least one of three forms of interaction:
- Student-Student Interaction (e.g. discussions and/or collaborative projects)
- Student-Teacher Interaction (e.g. quality feedback)
- Student-Content Interaction (e.g. engaging content and resources with which students must interact and not just read or watch in a passive manner).
- Cross activities, i.e. outside the course with the support of social media for example (if applicable)
- General discussion using by appropriate means (forums, blog, …).
3. Accessibility
This item focuses on the navigation, the implementation of multimedia material.
Take into account that Flash is outdated: Adobe will terminate the supply of the Flash player by 2020.Flash has been replaced by Adobe Animate. Check other alternatives to flash, particularly those based on HTML5. A good example is H5P.
- Content is accessible on all foreseen devices. Responsiveness has been tested.
This item refers to the use of multiple devices. During the life time of the project these devices have been used in various settings and courses. Not all devices are well-fitting to all training conditions (further information [LINK: Multiple Devices]). - Multimedia and interactive content is used in the course where it helps the learner and makes sense.
The use of this kind of material must always be evaluated with the aspect of “added value”
Recommendation: Always ask yourself: what does this content bring to the learner and is it the best approach? - Colors, fonts, typo, styles and hyperlinks are means to structure content.
- Tables are restrictively used (due to problems with multiple devices)
Recommendation: If possible, try to avoid tables, especially if the content should be displayed on a small device (like a smartphone). - Text – spelling, grammar, language, tone, style and composition of the text used in the course are well harmonized. The language used is appropriate for the context and the target profile of the trainees.
This is a crucial item and addresses the target group of the trainees. What’s often called “general knowledge” may not necessarily be known by all trainees.
Recommendation: Keep the text simple and easy-to-understand but use (and explain) all specific terms (in the context of the training content and the training aim) and explain them.
To the checklist
4. Structure
Content is well structured and it is not too long.
This can be done by using short units, typical “micro learning” structure, or so-called “learning pills” (small learning units, often consisting of a short video and some assignments). This is preferable for workplace basic learning.
5. Training Approach
The training approach of TIBL concept-based courses uses Sustained Learning (This approach can be found in the MOOC. As a pre-knowledge you may check the project result “How does learning work?”).
6. Quality Framework
The quality framework is based on the e-xcellence framework of the EADTU. The transfer to VET can be found in the chapter Quality Framework.
7. Assessment
- Assessment methods and formats are explained at the beginning
- Multiple assessment methods should be foreseen
- Expected outcomes are explicit and tied to learning outcomes, assessments and relevant case studies.
- If necessary assessment examples are provided in the first meeting of the course information
- Adequate feedback is foreseen for all types of assessment (and training activities performed by trainees)