Distance Learning is changing due to the various devices which are currently used.
Blended Learning has been widely accepted in the various fields of education. It supports intensive face-to-face contacts in the onsite teaching and training. In the Distance Learning a broad range of various pedagogical practices are possible, like self-regulated, self-paced and heutagogical learning, and flipped training situations as well. Distance Learning has simple preconditions due to the use of the Internet and the existence of affordable learning platforms.
Especial in VET education it is necessary that trainees acquire both competences and capabilities, Competency in this context means knowledge, skills, and attitudes while capability overlaps the attitudes and enhances it by the trainee’s confidence in the competency.
Considering the outlined approach above Blended Learning can be an excellent way in Vocational Education and Training as well as in Continuous VET.
While the pedagogical way to implement Blended Learning courses seems to be clear, a new challenge is showing up – the used technical devices. Currently, there exists a wide body of electronically devices. The Distance Learning in C-VET Education often is done at the workplace, during a break, using the available devices like Tablets, notebooks, or even smartphones. All these different devices must be supplied by the method of delivering the content (from the learning platform) to the trainees. This means the flexibility of the process of displaying something on differently sized displays (web pages here use a flexible or responding design). Using multimedia based content or interactive processes also can lead to problems and conflicts because not all devices support all media types (due to different operating systems or restrictions done by the manufacturer of the device).
All these facts mentioned above make it necessary to investigate the options and new possibilities of the use of multiple devices in Blended C-VET Training as well as to be aware of the obstacles and problems which might arise with these common devices.
The TIBL-Project will analyse the current situation and develop a special set of tools to assist trainers in creating C-VET courses.