The kickoff meeting took place in Wiener Neustadt (Home town of the European Foundation for Quality in Blended Learning, the Austrian Partner) from October 26, 2017 to OCrober 27, 2017.
There were participants of four partners present: Peter Mazohl (EFQBL), Kathrin Zehrfuchs (EFQBL), Carlos Guerrero Herrero (Fundación SAFA), Luca Reitano (DigiLab), Ebba Ossiannilsson (SADE). Due to missing budget no person from Portugal was attending the meeting face-to-face, but Maria João Loureiro from the University of Aveiro (PT) followed the meeting via HangOuts. Stefanie Mayrwoger (EFQBL), who stayed at this time one semester at the University of Den Haag, also presented herself in a short Hangout video meeting.
As goals of the meeting the setup of the project was scheduled. This covered:
- The KickOff of the project,
- The presentation and discussion of organisational items,
- The clearing of the project’s content related issues,
- The clearing of the technical environment,
- The clearing of open issues from the preparation phase.
- Fixing of budget issues (dissemination budgets).
- Fixing of monitoring activities (in context with the preparation phase proposals).
- Miscellaneous project management related issues.